Website of a small hotel in Switzerland retained the spirit and warmth of a home comfort in the interior and in the attitude towards its guests
WWF online store is created with a sense of responsible care for nature and dedicated to nature’s protection. You definitely will find an idea for a special gift here.
Website offering environmental dairy products from small farms and other organic products for your table.
Interactive map created for the organization (the abbreviation in Bulgarian means Stop usage of plastic disposable products)
Website of a Center for Psychology and Psychotherapy – Today more and more people need professional help to cope with the stress
Irina Papancheva is a Bulgarian author with remarkable spirit, talent, biography and an eye for detail
This website is under development and is dedicated to “St. Martyr George”, in the village Kokalqne nearby Sofia
Website about sporting event involving nearly 2 000 competitors. Tour Vitosha 100km
Factory For Nature is a project aimed at imposing and distribution of home composting in urban, placed in the neighborhood “Monastery Meadows”
Eurotex OOD is a Bulgarian company – direct importer of Italian fabrics
“Different world” is a project dedicated to building a parallel between city life filled with vanity and true harmony in the world of the mountains in winter time.
AVM Consulting Group Ltd. is an accounting company offering a wide portfolio of services in the field of finance.
Ala-bala is the gateway about diverse and useful information in the field of gastronomy, politics, technology etc.
Nikolay Valkov is a public figure. The website presents his biography and vision in politics.
Master Clean is a small company for high-quality cleaning of homes and offices.